e·qui·b is a line of manufacturing materials that promote a mass balance approach by using a blend of renewable and non-renewable resources. Honest and forthcoming to consumers while educating about the mass balance process, e·qui·b aims to develop a hassle-free switch to an alternative eco-conscious solution.
B.A.R.E. Creations is a granola ball brand founded by Dr. Colin Swala, a chiropractor who was looking to create a granola product that is, in fact, as healthy as the label suggests.
Ryan’s Raw is a unique dog treat company based around all-natural ingredients that promote healthy living for your pooch.
Package design, brand and web development, social media strategy, and, of course, pouch printing and manufacturing – it took a Rootree village to successfully help launch SABADOS, a new brand of organic, fair-trade yerba mate.
STORI Events is a boutique event planning company in Toronto, specializing in a range of events, from weddings to corporate occasions.