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Rootree is spearheading a global movement to achieve a greener packaging identity that addresses all parts of the eco-friendly packaging lifecycle. We do this by investing in technologies and adopting procedures that allow us to manufacture products with up to 75% less waste than conventional packaging manufacturing.

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Contact Rootree

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Digital Flexible Packaging

Digital Flexible Packaging

How to order custom packaging in 3 easy steps: 1. Order your pouch in any style with any add-on you want Not sure what style works for you? Contact a member of our sales team and we’ll get a quote to you asap. 2. Submit and approve your artwork Already have a designer? Nice! Download your dieline so...

Sustainable Packaging Products

Sustainable Packaging Products

Rootree's custom packaging line offers endless possibilities. Our optimized processes use state-of-the-art digital printing presses to produce high-quality, sustainable packaging that you can be proud of.

Stand-Up Pouch

Stand-Up Pouch

Suitable for nearly any application or product you can imagine! Our liquid pouch material is suitable for liquid products.

Coffee Packaging

Coffee Packaging

Mmmm… the smell of coffee in the air! We bet your coffee tastes great – let’s get that fresh cup of joe to your customers. We know the passion that you’ve poured into creating the perfect blend. That’s why our custom coffee packaging checks all the boxes! Digital and sustainable, Metalized barrier to keep fresh, Degassing valves, and more...

Cannabis Packaging

Cannabis Packaging

The right bag for the right bud. We know how hard you’ve worked, now let’s get your product to your customers.

Meet the Team

Meet the Team

Meet the Rootree team! We’re a hardworking team of thinkers, makers, designers, and can-doers. We have a passion for creating and producing the best packaging for you and your brand.

Eco-Friendly Flexible Packaging

Eco-Friendly Flexible Packaging

We offer turnkey solutions that can take you from brand concept all the way to getting your sustainable packaging on the store shelves and online!

Coffee is arguably one of the world’s most beloved beverages (it’s definitely well-loved by the Rootree team!); approximately 1 billion people worldwide drink at least one cup of coffee per day. The rich flavour, the caffeine hit, and the endless possibilities for creative coffee recipes… What more could you want? However, we can’t say we love the feeling of jitters, crash, heartburn, and, of course, insomnia. What if we told you there’s a premium, healthy coffee that gives you that energy boost without any of the unwanted side effects? World, meet Dodjivi.
The Creative Services team put together a video highlighting pivotal moments of the Dodjivi x Rootree rebranding process.

We Won!

We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve won an Award of Distinction from the 2022 Global PAC Awards in the Revitalized Beverage Category for our work on Dodjivi. Congrats to Dodjivi and the whole Rootree team for all your hard work in making this happen! It has been an incredible opportunity to have one of our small business clients be globally recognized with this award for innovation in design!

The future of coffee? Made with mushrooms of course.

Dodjivi, pronounced as doe-(d)jee-vee, specializes in the creation of mushroom-based health and wellness products. Known for its Premium Healthy Coffee, Dodjivi’s aim is to provide consumers with a delicious coffee alternative. With the help of organic functional mushrooms, the Dodjivi team was able to create a blend that gives consumers the beloved taste of coffee, with none of the unwanted side effects. Dodjivi’s delicious blend is a jitter-free coffee option that also helps to improve the drinker’s energy levels, sleep quality, and reduce stress. That’s a lot of benefits in one cup!
Dodjivi’s new packaging of Vitality Blend with Fafa’s Fave Mug
Dodjivi’s new packaging of Vitality Blend with Fafa’s Fave Mug
With a unique origin story, the creation of Dodjivi stemmed from a personal desire to overcome health and wellness struggles. Dodjivi Founder and CEO, Komlanvi Dodjro, and his partner, Claudine Martel, were focused on finding ways to improve their health and wellness. Claudine struggled with health problems, so when the couple discovered functional mushrooms, they were pleased to find that they had a natural, positive impact on her health. The tricky part was creating the perfect blend. With lots of trial and error, the Dodjivi Organic Reishi Mushroom blend was born. Finding a way to help prevent jitters, stomach burn, and mid-day crash while still enjoying a cup of coffee has helped many people in search of a tasty alternative.

Rootree makes rebranding so mush fun

“We want the [Dodjivi] rebranding to be sustainable, so we don’t become a single-product company… we can evolve.”
-Komlanvi Dodjro

Dodjivi had been contemplating a rebrand for quite some time. Komlanvi felt that Dodjivi had lost focus of its main targets, and that the company was stretching itself too thin trying to reach so many audiences with various products. There was a disconnect between the products that were being created and Dodjivi’s brand identity. Dodjivi has an incredibly unique and powerful story – its current branding was not capturing the essence of its vibrant spirit.
Before and after- Dodjivi rebrand
Before and after: Dodjivi rebrand

When Dodjivi approached Rootree in December 2020, they were ready to begin the discovery call process. Looking for new package design and brand development, Dodjivi chose Rootree’s Creative Services’ Superior Package and began the process of “Dodjivi’s rebirth,” also known as Dodjivi’s rebranding. After a 3-hour brainstorming session, Dodjivi and the Creative Services team crafted a brand-new logo design, buyer persona, brand identity, and brand positioning. The development of Dodjivi’s new brand guide made every detail of the rebranding process fall neatly into place.

Dodjivi’s new Brand Guide created after the brand discovery process
Dodjivi’s new Brand Guide created after the brand discovery process
With thorough brainstorming sessions, the creative solution was to bring Dodjivi’s mission, vision, and values into its branding. The brand’s name comes from the founder’s name “Dodji.” The names that are given in Komlanvi’s culture hold so much meaning; in Togo, Komlanvi’s native homeland, the name Dodji means perseverance, hope, fortitude, and patience. “Dodjivi” ultimately means that a person never gives up, but rather perseveres and keeps moving forward.

Dodjivi’s fresh brew

After looking at many possibilities, the Dodjivi team had to narrow down a final branding option. Ultimately, the team wanted the new packaging to be vibrant and eye-catching. With this in mind, they decided to go with soft matte packaging with gold metallic pops, and a colour palette consisting of warm, earthy greens and golds.
CS Branding Sketch
Dodjivi logo development sketches by Rootree’s Sr. Graphic Designer, Jess

“With our old logo, people dropped the “D” and the “O” so people called us ‘Jivi.’ Customers unintentionally rebranded us and would call us Jivi Coffee!”
-Komlanvi Dodjro

The rebranding of Dodjivi’s logo included the addition of a hippopotamus icon with a mushroom texture, as the hippo is one of the national animals of Togo. The logo’s hippo, lovingly named Fafa Mush, is a play on the hippocampus, a vital brain component, and Hippocrates, whose famous saying was “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”. The team also changed the logo’s font so “Dodjivi” could be read clearly, to avoid any confusion over the brand’s name.

The perfect time to say, YAMA-YAMA!

“We’re proud to see the final product and say, oh my god, we did it!” -Komlanvi Dodjro

Incredibly happy with the brand-new packaging design, Dodjivi was ready for relaunch! Rootree’s Creative Services team mapped out and executed a product lifestyle photography session for the rebrand, to be used for website and marketing content. The Creative Services team created copy for Dodjivi’s website, blogs, email marketing, as well as social media content, to create a cohesive online presence.
Rootree’s lifestyle photography on Dodjivi’s Instagram
Rootree’s lifestyle photography on Dodjivi’s Instagram
Are you sipping your cup of coffee (or organic mushroom blend), thinking that your company may need a revamp? Nobody loves a brand revitalization like we do! From brand development, to logo design, to jazzing up your brand’s social media presence, you’re in excellent hands—we do it all! Chat with one of our Creative Services team members to get started on that glow-up!
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