

Presenting… convenient packaging that is versatile, lightweight, and as cool as the other side of the pillow.

101 judges from 19 countries and 132 talented, creative, and innovative nominees. We are honoured to have been nominated for 2 of our projects, but to have won an esteemed Global PAC Award, we are beaming with joy.

How does a Navy-raised, BC-native who grew up with a Tibetan tea-drinking family, get into the Toronto coffee industry? It’s not a riddle, it’s the preface of the inspiring career of Losel Tethong, co-founder and owner of Toronto’s very own Propeller Coffee.

The beginning of a new year often brings upon us a time of reflection. 2022 was an incredible year – although like any year, it presented its challenges and changes, it was full of hopeful, exciting, and defining moments.

“And the winners of the RT | Foundation Award are… 📣” The time has come to announce the winners of the 2022 RT | Foundation Award and the RT | mini-foundation award. We’ve been bursting with excitement since we decided on the winners.